Ghostwriting Services

Your Own Book Is A Powerful
Lead Generation Tool

As a financial advisor, your time is best spent on high level activities. This means more time spent on clients, service and sales. A ghostwriter can not only save you many hours of time,  but they can take your ideas, even if they seem scattered and craft them into a cohesive, well-written book that’s a true reflection of you as a professional.  

When it comes to finances, people want a guide – someone who is experienced and can help them make better decisions – especially when times are uncertain. Writing your own book can help drive leads to you by accomplishing the following:


  • It gives you the unique ability to begin building trust with prospects before they even meet you. 
  • It establishes you as an authority in your field.
  • It establishes you as somewhat of a celebrity in your area. 
  • It showcases your expertise and gives potential clients insight into who you are and how you think. 
  • It demonstrates to readers that you are experienced and have the ability to explain complicated financial subjects in a way that regular people can actually understand.  
  • To a certain degree, potential clients feel like they know you after reading your book and are far more likely to feel comfortable enough to reach out to you.
  • Your clients are proud of you and don’t hesitate to share your book with people they know.
  • All or part of your book can easily be repurposed and used in many other areas of your marketing strategy. 

Our Process

Most people have very little experience when it comes to ghostwriting and the publishing process. It’s very important to us that our clients enjoy the entire experience every bit as much as when they hold that first copy of their book in their hands. We are in close communication with you – keeping you informed of progress and taking care of everything for you every step of the way.


Understanding Your Why

People write books for a multitude of different reasons. If your goal for the book is to drive clients to your business, we will approach your project much differently and than if you were writing a memoir. If you’re writing your book to build brand awareness, we can reinforce your brand directly and even subliminally through the words we choose and the tone we set.


Who You're Writing The Book For

We take the time to gain crystal clear clarity on who you’re writing the book for and what specifically you want it to accomplish for you and your business. Once we understand this, we write the book with your specific reader profile and goals in mind.


Your Desired Degree of Involvement

It’s important that we understand from the beginning what degree of involvement you wish to have in your project. Some advisors wish to be highly involved throughout the process, while others provide their general topic and left the rest to us. If you have done any work on the book prior to coming to us, we will ask you to provide us with any resources you’ve gathered including notes, references, research, outlines or writing you’ve done on the book yourself.
Keep in mind that any quotes or statistics that you’ve included in your notes must be a footnoted reference in the book so we will ask you to provide us with the resource from which you quoted.


Publication Schedule

Typically, to write and publish a 200 page book takes approximately 4-6 months to complete depending on whether you wish to have a hardcover book in addition to a paperback and ebook. If you would like the book before a scheduled event or within a certain time frame, please let us know in our initial intake conversation so we can determine if your desired timeframe is realistic.


Writing and Publishing

We begin by outlining the chapters with you and discuss what you'd like to cover in each. We then write the Introduction and first chapter for your review and set up a Zoom call to discuss them with you. It's important to us that we understand and capture your voice from the beginning. We then move onto the writing, editing, formatting, cover design and publishing of your book.



There are several different factors that go into the pricing of ghostwriting and the publishing process - the estimated length of the book, your desired number of edits, your publication schedule and whether you want a hard cover in addition to a paperback and ebook version of your book. Please see our Pricing Packages for general pricing guidelines.

We believe everyone has at least one book in them. We'd love to hear the ideas you have for yours!

Our Services
